
Antonino Javier Medina Puente
RHSC Monarchist Ligue of Canada
Entered Apprentice Mgi HMQEII




January 7, 2019
Today Antonino Medina became Entered Apprentice Magus of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

7 janvier 2019
Aujourd’hui, Antonino Medina est devenu apprenti entré Mage de Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II.

7 de enero, 2019
Hoy, Antonino Medina se convirtió en ingresado Mago Aprendiz de Su Majestad la Reina Isabel II.

B.Arch B.PhysMath DRO CAEQ MRAIC RIBA Chartered Architect Int.Assoc.AIA
Entered Apprentice Mgi HMQEII

Mystic's Profile

Skeptic, Syncretic.

Instruction: Catholic Apostolic Roman Christian, Gnostic Illuminati Initiation, Daimista.

Christian Baptism
Santa Iglesia Catedral. San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

Renewal of Baptism. FEF Famila Educadora en la Fé. Querétaro, Mexico.

Introduction to the Christian life in fullness and to be a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth.
FEF Famila Educadora en la Fé. Querétaro, Mexico.

First Holy Communion
Nuestra señora del Carmen. Querétaro, Mexico.

Study-Tech* for Special Abilities Child
*a teaching method developed by L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology.
Delphi School. Oregon, USA.

Parroquia del Señor de la piedad. Querétaro, Mexico.

Apostolic Blessing by His Holiness Pope Francis
Congregation: Les Prêtes de Saint Sulpice, Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal. Canada.

POPE, genuine and authorized according to Principia Discordia.
Legionnaire at Legion of Dynamic Discord LDD by the favor of our mischievous Lady goddess Eris.
Saint Second Class aspirant Kallisti Gold Sanctuary ΤΗΙ ΚΑΛΛΙΣΤΗΙ formosissima "to the most beautiful".

Ordre maçonnique International : Le Droit Humain, Fédération Canadienne.
Lodge: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Montreal, Canada.

Illuminatus Exemptus Aspirant. Illuminati Section.
Rosicrucian Order: Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosæ Crucis AMORC
Temple maçonnique de Montréal. Canada.

First Triangle. Lucis Trust. Unity Church of Montreal. Canada.

Kabbalah Mashiach. Maestro Albert Gozlan, Yehiel Foundation.

The Spiritual Science Fellowship SSF. Montreal, Canada.

Hare Krishna
International Society for Krishna Consciousness ISKCON. Montreal, Canada.

Estrela. A child of the Earth and a child of the Light. Fardado. Santo Daime.
Céu do Montréal. Eclectic Centre for the Universal Flowing Light.
Montreal, Canada.

First Gnostic Communion
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica E.G.C.
Phoenix Lodge O.T.O. Montreal, Canada.

Gnostic Baptism
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica E.G.C.
Phoenix Lodge O.T.O. Montreal, Canada.

Man of Earth Triad: Minerval Degree 0°
Mysteria Mystica Maxima.
O.T.O. Ordo Templi Orientis, Phoenix Lodge Montréal.

Child of Eternity, Child of Light
Astrum Argenteum - First grade Student.
Outer college.

First Order: Neophyte
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn | Orden Hermética de la Aurora Dorada
Alpha et Ωmega Rosicrucian Mystery School.

Sept. 2019

Antoninos Witness
Elymas magus addicti ....... 7≈ 3 = Veneficus scriptor TIRO
Ordo Illuminatorum XIII° SS, Planetary Realm.



Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.
Love your neighbour as yourself.


Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. There is only one path and that is the path of Truth. Do the right thing.
Be among those who renew the world … to make the world progress towards perfection.


All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense,
true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.


Guided by the voice of your conscience, may your ethics be as pure as possible
and may your first preoccupation always be to think well, speak well and act well.

Child of Horus

In the new Aeon of Horus with an increased consciousness of mankind.
With the hexagram (macrocosm) and pentagram (microcosm) together.
Spirit being brought down into the world through teachings which are far different to orthodox religion.
The child dances, he is set free, not restrained by religious boundaries.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the law, love under will.


Question everything.
Learn something.
Answer nothing.
Know thyself.

Member of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada RHSC section Laurentienne.
Member of the Monarchist Ligue of Canada.
The Royal Commonwealth Society RCS.

Photography Info


Date: December, 2018

Photo: Antonino Medina


Magus | noun
1. The Zoroastrian priests of the ancient Medes and Persians.
2. An astrologer, sorcerer, or magician.
3. Wizard.

1. Les prêtres zoroastriens des anciens Mèdes et des Perses.
2. Un astrologue, un sorcier ou un magicien.
3. Enchanteur.

1. Los sacerdotes zoroastrianos de los antiguos medos y persas.
2. Un astrólogo, hechicero o mago.
3. Brujo.

Apprenticeship Syllabus & Applications
Including but not limited to:

Western, Aztec, Mayan & Jyotisha (Hindu).

Neoplatonism. Christianity. Judaism.

Cosmogony, Cosmovision and Religion of the Mexican and North American aborigines.

Ley lines. Off-Grid Housing. Affordable Housing. Decentralized autonomous Housing.
Egypt Architects: Imhotep, Ineni.
Mexico: Aztecs & Tenochtitlan, Teotihuacan, Tula. Mayans & Chichen Itza, Palenque.
Astana Capital of Kazakhstan.
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Antoni Gaudí, Zaha Hadid, Mies van der Rohe, Luis Barragán, Frank Gehry, Rem Koolhaas, Richard Meier, Thom Mayne, Oscar Niemeyer, Le Corbusier, Santiago Calatrava, Patrik Schumacher, Eric Reinholdt & Asymptote.
Chaos & Sex Magik.
Robert Anton Wilson.

A∴A∴ Astrum Argenteum**
S∴S∴ Silver Star.
M∴M∴M∴ Mysteria Mystica Maxima.
E.G.C. Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.
Aleister Crowley.

G∴B∴G∴ The Great Brotherhood of God. Complete Magick Curriculum of the Secret Order.
Louis T. Culling & Carl Llewellyn Weschcke.

The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi.
Stephen Flowers.

Manly P. Hall, John Dee, Carlos Castaneda, Aleister Crowley, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, Pedro Bustamante.

Psychotic disorders, biochemical brain disorders.

Herbalism & Psychotropics.

Tarot de Marseille by Jodorowsky
Alejandro Jodorowsky & Phillipe Camoin.

The Thoth Tarot
Aleister Crowley & Lady Frieda Harris.

Pamela Colman Smith RWS tarot
Rider-Waite-Smith Rider, Arthur Edward Waite & Pamela Colman Smith.

The Alchemical Tarot
Robert M. Place.

Geometry, Mathematics, Toroids, Vortex Math. Tetragrammaton, Pythagoras, Jose Alfonso Hernando.

AI. Recurrent Neural Networks. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. Unified Science.
Nassim Haramein.

Films. Music. New Media.
Androgyny. Hermaphroditism.

Empathy. Love.

Certainty. Belief. Skepticism.

Beyond the limits. Universe, Multiverses and other realms & dimensions.

Slavery 2030.


** Difference & correlation between [Argentium Astrum, Astron Argon, Aster Argos, Arcanum Arcanorum, (Angel and the Abyss), (Angel and the Adept)] and [Silver Star, Secret Service, Slave Select, Super Speed, ISIS].

Scientific Illuminism
A∴A∴ Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum

PredictionX: PredictionX: Diviner’s Guide. Harvard University

Tree of Life & Tarot
666 ΘΩΘ 777 Tarot Arrangements

Rider Waite Deck
HOGD Tarot.

Thoth Tarot
Α και Ω T.A.R.O.

Unified Science
Resonance Academy

Learn More

Architect and Director in Responsible Control (Master Builder). Registered, licensed and certified. Senior Principal in independent practice in North America since 1996. Experience in design for Housing Development, Project and Construction Management. Passion for Experimental Design, Photography and Applied Art including Custom Furniture. The outlook in his work is inspired by the events and people he interacts with and the result is the expression of his vision incorporating equal parts of beauty and functionality. His projects are constantly evolving and adapting to the particular situations he encounters, with a unique consistent signature found in his work.

Architecte et Directeur responsable de la construction (Maître d’œuvre). Directeur principal agréé, enregistré et certifié à la pratique indépendante au Amérique du Nord depuis 1996. Expérience dans la conception d’ensembles résidentiels de logements, dans la gestion de projet et de construction. Passion pour le design expérimental, la photographie et les arts appliqués incluant les meubles sur mesure. La perspective de son travail est inspirée par les événements et les gens avec lesquels il interagit, et le résultat est l’expression de sa vision en incorporant à parts égales la beauté et la fonctionnalité. Ses projets sont en constante évolution et adaptation aux situations particulières qu’il rencontre, avec une signature caractéristique unique trouvée dans son travail.

Arquitecto y Director Responsable de Obra (Constructor Maestro). Director principal registrado, licenciado y certificado, en práctica independiente en Norteamérica desde 1996. Experiencia en diseño para desarrollo residencial, gestión de proyecto y construcción. Pasión por el diseño experimental, fotografía y arte aplicado incluyendo muebles personalizados. La perspectiva en su obra se inspira en los acontecimientos y las personas con que interactúa, y el resultado es la expresión de su visión incorporando partes iguales de belleza y funcionalidad. Sus proyectos están en constante evolución y adaptación a las situaciones particulares que encuentra, con una firma peculiar consistente encontrada en su trabajo.

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